留学360介绍,埃因霍芬理工大学(Eindhoven University of Technology, 缩写为TU/e,荷兰语为Technische Universiteit Eindhoven),位于荷兰埃因霍温市,是荷兰乃至全欧洲最负盛名的理工科大学之一,其高质量的教学,科研在荷兰国内和国际上都具有极高知名度。埃因霍温理工大学在许多领域对国家的发展皆有巨大贡献。它与代尔夫特理工大学,特温特大学构成荷兰顶级理工大学联盟3TU,每所大学在国际上都享有盛誉。其理工科实力在各大排行中基本稳居欧洲前十,荷兰第二。是一所名副其实的世界一流大学。
到2013年,TU/e大约有教职工3,055人、本科生4,973人(其中4%为国际生)、硕士研究生3,238人(其中16%为国际生)、博士生1,210人、毕业工程师20,000人、技术设 计硕士1,000人,并授予了2,000个博士学位。该校有社交、体育、文化及学习等约100个学生团体以及15个校友联合会。 TU/e的教学以本校研究活动为基础,侧重设计。讲师及学生采用现代信息及交流手段。该校的课程也面向国际,鼓励学生在国外或者与外国公司合作完成部分学 业。
在2007 年2月7 日, 荷兰三大理工大学(埃茵霍温理工大学,代尔伏特理工大学和特文特大学)正式建立了
3TU. 仪式由教育部、文化和科学部部长主持 ; 经济事务部二秘Chris Buijink以及荷兰产业和雇主的联邦的主席Bernard Wientjes出席。在这个联盟, 三所理工大学将结合他们的能力和设施为了进一步提升他们在欧洲和国际地位努力。每所大学在全国和国际上都享有盛誉。结为联盟之后, 他们将跻身世界顶尖的高等院校。
三所理工大学将集中于发现解答为最迫切的社会问题。以30,000 名学生和大约5,500 位研究员联合的容量, 将更有利于大学在科研领域产出更多成果。三个大学的学术项目和研究活动将进一步整合。包括所有可利用的知识, 人员及资源, 譬如为大规模技术科学研究所建设的设施。 三所大学的联盟将更加有效地为荷兰构筑知识经济做贡献。
BEST/e (生物医药科学和技术研究)
The Institute of Biomedical Engineering Sciences & Technology/Eindhoven is the Eindhoven chapter of the BEST institute. BEST is dedicate to offering research and educational programs in the field of biomedical engineering.
CWT/e (无线通讯技术研究)
The Center for Wireless Technology Eindhoven is a research institute which combines the research of five different research groups of the department of Electrical Engineering. This research spans all forms of wireless technology and communication and includes research into electromagnetism, mixed-signal microelectronics, signal processing systems and electro-optical communication
ECIS (创新性研究)
The Eindhoven Center for Innovation Studies is a research institute dedicated to the understanding of innovation processes. To this end the institute studies sources of innovation, the nature of innovation processes and the effects of those processes on society. The institute considers innovation to be a process of societal actors, so its research is multidisciplinary and spans technological as well as social studies.
EIRASS (欧洲零售和服务研究)
European Institute of Retailing and Services Studies
ESI (嵌入式系统研究)
The Eindhoven Embedded Systems Institute was founded in 2002 in order to improve cooperation between the university and industry in the area of embedded system. The institution offers educational and research programs, but also helps industrial partners with knowledge creation and product development and also leverages its industrial contacts to enable knowledge valorisation.
EURANDOM (统计,概率,供应控制研究)
The European Institute for Statistics, Probability, Stochastic Operations Research and its Applications is an institute dedicated to fostering research in the stochastic sciences and their applications. To this end the institute actively attracts yound talent for its research and doctoral programs, facilitates research and actively seeks European cooperation.
ICMS (高分子系统研究)
The Institute for Complex Molecular Systems is a multidisciplinary research institute dedicated to building knowledge of complex molecular systems, as well as infrastructure for creating and studying such systems.
ILI (智能环境照明研究)
The Intelligent Lighting Institute is a research institute started at the TU/e in 2010. It combines the research capacities of six different university departments in order to research and produce lighting-related products. The institute studies lighting technology, but also the interaction between lighting and the environment and the psychological impact of lighting.
TNO (荷兰应用科学研究)
Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific Research (Eindhoven branch, housed on the university campus)
Twinning (高新技术启发)
an incubator for technology startups (in conjunction with Brainport)
DPI M2i (formerly NIMR)